Thursday, January 31, 2008

On Fire-Spitting Hair Dryers and Scary Winds

My hair dryer spit fire at me just now. Big blue sparkling flames with a red glow at the end. I think that means I need a new one.

We had wind gusts up to 60 mph where I live last night. I was sitting, happily knitting, when the tornado sirens went off. I turned the news on to see there was a storm three counties away heading at a quick pace our way.... So, I got up to get a quick shower, and as soon as I stepped out, the power went out. I ended up going to bed since it was pitch black (and cold), and the wind was making such bad noise I had to fall asleep with my ipod in my ears. This morning, I got to see that the only thing that saved my car from being crushed by a huge ice box was the railing on my back porch. The ice box was barely caught on it, and could have smashed my car in at any minute.

So, this is a good time to tell you what blogs make my day (especially during weeks like this!):

My Boring Life has given me this really sweet honor!! (And her blog is delightful and her life is not boring! She really does make my day!)


I am supposed to pick 10 people to give this honor to.... and they are in no particular order...

1. CTJen

2. Knitterella

3. Kathryn Ivy

4. Mostly Self Taught Knitter

5. Wendy (and Lucy)

6.  MLE Knits

7.  Knitting Like Crazy 

8.  Stash, Knit, Repeat 

9.  Knitter Boy

10. Susan B. Anderson 

There are many other beautiful blogs I read, as well. And truthfully, they all make my day.


Karen said...

Me????? Really??? Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment!

How scary about your car. Thank goodness it came through okay. That would have been a terrible end to a terrible night.

As I type this comment, I can see your Pushing Daisies button in your sidebar. Which reminds me how much I miss that show and how much I wish it would come back. Stupid writer's strike. (Although I think the writers are totally in the right, and can't blame them for sticking to their demands.)

silencepainter said...

I love storms, but I think even this one would have freaked me out a little. I'm so glad you and your car are ok.

Knitterella said...

Oh my goodness!! Thank you for listing my blog. What a nice compliment!

And thank goodness your car was OK and your hair for that matter. We had those winds two nights ago - never lost power but my husband got a snow day out of it!

J.P. said...

Thank you! What a nice honor! :)