Friday, January 11, 2008

Come on Friday...

It has been a long week. Not a bad one, but long, and I'm tired!!!

My kitty, Sam, loves to sleep on the radiator when I take a shower. He gets extra nice and toasty, plus he gets the bonus of being in the same room with me.
After getting out of the shower tonight, I said, "Sam, you think it's time to get into bed?" He said "Meow" and jumped down and ran to the door. Even Sam is tired.

Beautiful Sam

I must say I love my knitting group. They were all supposed to bring finished hats tonight, and I was all ready to take pictures for you... but none of them finished. I think Christmas and gift knitting became priority! We had our meeting today and it was so much fun.

One of them is making the Baby Surprise Jacket, and I must say -- it's very hard for me to understand. I must confess to all knitters, I have never read an Elizabeth Zimmerman pattern until tonight. *hanging head in shame* And I'm wondering - are they all that difficult to understand??


CTJen said...

EZ is not at all difficult to understand. Her patterns read more like a list of suggestions than a technical knitting pattern, though. You should give it a try. I started with the Ribwarmer, which is AWESOME, by the way. :-)

Michelle said...

He's so cute! If it gets too late at night, my Callie will come and lead me to bed so we can all get some sleep. Kitties are too funny sometimes. I made two EZ Feb baby sweaters and it was definitely different. I made a copy of the pattern and then wrote in stitch and row numbers. It was actually pretty nice. I'm hoping to make a BSJ soon.

Krissy said...

I think that if the first pattern I ever read were an EZ, I wouldn't be knitting today. But I loved the BSJ that I made. My sister's son had better love it, too. hehe.
EZ doesn't describes her stuff as a "pattern" but more like "directions" for a garment. If you look at knitting books for the 70's and before, they are kinda the same.