Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How to do nothing.

I have been BORING these last few days! I didn't do anything this weekend. Seriously, I left my house ONCE in a two day period. Sometimes, with nursing, I get very tired of people in general, and feel like I want to be alone. I think I get tired of doing the happy smiley thing 24/7. I'd like to sometimes just be - not mad, sad, happy, or anything... just be.

(On a happy side note about nursing, I've had three patient compliments in the last month that have been sent to my supervisors. The last one commented that I was "awesome". One very sweet person said I was "the best nurse" he's "ever seen". It makes me feel good to know that I'm connecting to people in that way.)

Anyhow.... I had started on Foliage, and promptly ripped it out. My attention span made me cause so many errors that I decided to rip it. Then I worked and worked on my last Tangled Yoke sleeve. (I was re-watching season 5 of Buffy this weekend.)

I also learned how to do an Italian tubular cast on, so I could work on those endpaper mitts soon. I practiced on some scrap yarn. This video to teach you this cast on rocks, and made it seem really simple. Thank goodness for the internet.

And how do you make those mosaics of your knitting for the year? I want to make one, but haven't a clue how.


CTJen said...

Compliments that reach your supervisors are awesome! Good job! :-)

Crystal said...

I'm so with you on the happy smiley thing. Also with the ripping things out. I started a sock and got about 1/4 way down the leg before I realized it would be WAY too big for me! Gotta love it. So I promptly went to find another pattern. I'm just teaching myself as I go, so this is a major learning curve. I haven't really blogged about it because I'm really more focused on the NCLEX on Thursday, but I'm sure pictures will follow after Thursday is over! Congrats on your compliments. Those always make you feel like you are doing a good job! :)