Saturday, December 29, 2007

Three Good Reasons to Love Life

Three Little Kitties

This is how I spent my day. Sitting beside these three kitties, knitting.  (Notice my wonderful total tote in the background!!!)

I've been wanting to take a look back at 2007, and honestly - it wasn't my best year. I noticed looking back at blog posts, I was sick A LOT. I think some of this was because it was my first year of nursing, and my immune system was overloaded...  Also, among being sick, I had a job for the 1st 6 months that I hated!

So, I will look forward to 2008...  and let's start with some knitting goals.

1.  Double knitting.

2.  Socks on Two Circs.

3.  Magic Loop Knitting.

4.  Finish my Tangled Yoke!

5.  Buy more yarn.  (No, I'm not kidding!)

What are your knitting goals for the next year?


Michelle said...

They look so cozy! Makes me want to walk over and hug them all at once. :-) That looks like a good list for 2008!

Krissy said...

Mine is to keep things matching. Like scarves to hats to wristwarmers. I have decided that if I am going to put in all this work, I need to be coordinated. Oh and to finish everything I started in 07...and 06. hehe

hoosier student nurse said...

Your bed looks a lot like my bed due to the furry decorations on it! "Crazy cat ladies" are the luckiest!

CTJen said...

I want to finish my TGKA Master Knitter (level 1). *sigh*

Crystal said...

Happy New Year! Enjoy the knitting with the kitties by your side!

Knitterella said...

I sure the stress of your new job and being around a hosipital so much is why you were sick. You'll have a strong immune system this year! (I often get sick when I'm over stressed)

Cute cats and nice goals! One of my knitting goals is to start on knitted Christmas gifts waaaay before December!

Happy New Year!

Paige said...

I hear you on the getting sick thing! My first year teaching 1st graders was a germy mess. You'll get used to it though and then have an immune system of STEEL! Ha ha! I found you through Ravelry, by the way!