Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Good Christmas

I hope everyone had a good Christmas!

Mine was filled with knitty goodness. I received a Total Tote, which I'd been wanting! In chocolate. I added seriously to my knitting book library, with Mosaic Knitting by Barbara Walker, Favorite Socks, and Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles by Cat Bordhi.
Christmas Knitting Supplies

I also got a pink I-pod, which my husband says classifies as knitty goodness because of all the podcasts I listen to!

This is the end of my first year of knitting, and knitting has been very good to me.  I can't imagine not knitting - what did I do before all this?  I am looking forward to year #2 of my knitting, and looking forward to seeing what others create in 2008.  The people I've met in my one year of knitting have been amazing, fun, and a blessing to meet.


Michelle said...

That mosaic knitting looks interesting. Can't wait to see you make something with it! :-)

CTJen said...

Hooray for a knitterly Christmas and a happy year of knitting! Here's to the next year (and beyond)!

Your Christmas loot looks surprisingly similar to mine. LOL!