Sunday, December 09, 2007

A little Tangled Yoke Frustration

To be quite honest, I'm tired of it.  I finished a sleeve, or so I thought, but realized it's too short.  I need to add about an inch.  Which isn't a big problem, but I just can't bring myself to pick it up and do it!  If I could just finish the darn sleeves already, I could move on to the yoke, and the cable, and the challenge.  I've found that I'm the type of knitter who just doesn't like it if there isn't some little challenge involved.

Maybe I can pick my socks back up for a day or two, and then I can face Tangled Yoke again.

I also bought yarn for some Endpaper Mitts for myself, and maybe I'll start those.  A very pretty red and black yarn.

Also - a little announcement to my Blogger friends - I am still reading your blogs.  I just can't figure out how to leave you a message now so that you know it's me -- Blogger changed the way you leave comments?  Does anyone know?


CTJen said...

I've seen people leaving their blog address w/i the comment itself. I know it's considered a faux pax, but blogger has forced people to become desperate.

Sorry you're frustrated with the Tangled Yoke. It always helps to have other projects to work on when big project exhaustion sets in. I was actually getting ready to cast on for the Tangled Yoke. I'll be sure to have some smaller back up projects at the ready! :-)

Knitterella said...

I know how you feel. I have many projects that I just lost interest in. Usually, after you put it down for awhile you'll pick it back up later to finish. You just need a little break.

I don't know why you are having issues with commenting. Try emailing Blogger. Are you signed in when you comment? That might fix your problem.

Krissy said...

Hi there, thanks for the comment!

I think that you may be having trouble commenting because if the personal settings that the individual bloggers set up. I have to be signed in to comment on my sisters blog, but whoever can comment on mine. I went through all of my settings a while ago to make it easier on my readers.

You have a really nice blog. I'll keep reading!!!