Saturday, April 12, 2008

FO: Garter Rib Socks

And Day 2 of no antihistamines.

I had one particular bad day last week, and to top it off... when I came home, my laptop wouldn't work. The power cord had gone bad, and our battery is sick. So these socks have been finished for a few days. I made them for my husband, and they are a little snug. I'm not sure he likes them... I hope they will loosen up with wear.
They are from Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch. It's in Handmaiden Casbah sock in Earth. I love this yarn.


This second picture is more color accurate.


And, as I mentioned I am on Day 2 of no antihistamines. I have my allergy testing next week. My eyes are pink and swollen, my head feels fulls, I keep sneezing, and my ears hurt. *sigh*


CTJen said...

PS-->sorry about your laptop. that is a real bummer...

CTJen said...

the socks are lovely!

hope your allergy test goes well. :-)

Michelle said...

Ugh. I hope you make it. I seem to remember getting antihistamines from the allergist after the test when I had it done before. So you don't have to wait until you get home. And I bet those socks will relax after a washing if you don't put them in the dryer. Very handsome socks! :-)

silencepainter said...

Those socks look really nice, I like how the colors appear in the sock. I might have to try this yarn!

Krissy said...

Really cool yarn. I love the colorway.

I hope that your allergies don't completely kill you. It sucks being so allergic to the world.

rkray3 said...

No antehistamines? In Kentucky? In April? Oh, lord, hand in there!