Sunday, September 09, 2007

Slow Progress

I am still working on the Short Row hat.  It's actually a quick knit, but I didn't knit on it all week.  It's fairly simple, too,  but if you lose your place....  be prepared to be confused.


I was so tired this week when I got home from work.  I did finish my book "The Tall Pine Polka" by Lorna Landvik.  It's a weird book, and I didn't like it at first, but I grew to like the characters.

Oh, and all you knitting gurus... what's a cable "flare"?


Alice said...

The short row hat looks great! And sorry I am of no help, but I have NO idea what a cable flare is...

Knitterella said...

That hat is looking great. I've never tried anything like that before, looks like fun!

I have no idea what cable "flare" means. Never heard of it!

Sorry I can't help -