Sunday, September 02, 2007

I Love Lazy Holiday Weekends!!

This is my first official holiday off.  When I worked the floor (and night shift), I worked pretty much every holiday.  So, I'm really soaking this weekend in.

I'm still on a Ditty Bop high.  Been singing and dancing all weekend.

I am still working on my Wicked sweater.  It's just miles and miles of stockinette from here, so I'm not really motivated.  I needed something more inspiring....  Started a sock, and did the cuff, and was also uninspired.  So, I started the Short-Row hat by Veronik Avery.  It's amazing.  It's this cute hat knit FLAT.. constructed into diamond patterns with short row shaping.   I am doing mine with the beautiful Karaoke yarn my SP sent me.

We also now have firm dates for our trip to Fort Recovery in Tortola, BVI.  I am so excited....  and our flight is like 10 hours including layovers... so lots of knitting time.  Come on, November.


Court Jester said...

Love the hat and I'm glad the Karaoke yarn will work for it. It is such an interesting hat that I am printing out the pattern. I might just have to knit on of my own.

Hope you had a GREAT long weekend. My was very relaxing ---HOT---but relaxing.

Your's and your's alone
Court Jester

hoosier student nurse said...

I wish I had something good to look forward to. Love the cute hat and love the new picture. She's a beauty.