Thursday, July 12, 2007

I Have *$(*ing Poison Ivy

So, this weekend I had this small spot on my arm that looked bad, but it's drying up.  Now, it's everywhere!!  My back, my leg, my hip.... I asked one of the docs I like before I left this morning what it was....  Poison Ivy.

I don't know how I got it, but it really itches. :(

And I had one of the top 3 worst nights at work last night.  :(

I wish I were Buffy.


Jill said...

Oh no! I'm sorry about the Poison Ivy. I've never had that before but it sure doesn't sound fun. I hope you have something to stop the itching.

Top 3 worst nights at work? How aweful. I hope you are feeling better, sorry girl. :(

For what it's worth I wish I were more Buffy too.

hoosier student nurse said...

You are Buffy. Poison Ivy blows.

Jana said...

My friend found this post on your blog and had to show it to me... I have poison ivy too!!! Wierdly enough, I even have it on my UPPER LIP!!! Evidently I touched a plant and then touched the papercut on my lip...

Poison ivy sucks.

*scratching sadly*