Saturday, August 25, 2007

Max update, Secret Pal goodies, and Monkey Business over!

Max came home today. Earlier in the week, we thought we were facing euthanasia as his blood work was all bad. After being on IV antibiotics though, the values went back to normal!! His tail was amputated. After the amputation, he got back rectal tone. The vet seems to think the dead weight of the tail was causing the problem (not allowing the sphincter to shut properly). He isn't having diarrhea over everything now, and can control his bowel movements. Still some trouble with urination, but we can express the bladder once daily and he can live fine like that. I'll try and post a picture of Max soon with his little collar on so he can't rip out the stitches.

I got a package from my Secret Pal today!!! It was sooooo nice! And just topped the week off perfectly! She sent me More Sensational Knitted Socks!!! I had been wanting this, and I was soo happy! I can't wait to make some socks from that ... with my new sock yarn. Trekking that is PINK PINK PINK!! I loooove it. Pinks, purples, and blues. It's beautiful and squishy, and I'm casting on tonight! Burt's Bees lip gloss, which is yummy raspberry! A chocolate bar not seen that is in the refrigerator firming up... (but I already had a bite, and it's delicious... it has ROSEMARY in it. Rosemary is my favorite herb, and I could eat it on anything... but it's really delicious in chocolate!!!) A cat toy, which Loverbunny is actually playing with right now! They love it - addicted to the nip! And some tea that is the most interesting stuff ever - and yes, I already tasted it! It's an organic tea with cocoa in it! Yes, chocolate. Pixie Mate is the brand, and I never heard of it before. It's like tea, but you get a very subtle aftertaste of cocoa. I had it over some ice, and it was very refreshing!

Oh, and see that rose picture? That's from her garden. I am so jealous. I would love to grow a garden like that!! Maybe she can give me tips one day?? She sent me a picture of a flower in the last package, and I'm assuming it's from her garden too. It takes talent to grow flowers like that!

I also finished my Monkey socks, and I am driving up to see my mom tomorrow, so I'll give them to her then!


Crystal said...

OOOOHHH, very nice stuff from your secret pal!!

So glad to hear that Max is doing better!

hoosier student nurse said...

What an awesome surprise for you. Presents, and Max is ok. You're on a great streak!!!

Court Jester said...

Ohh so glad you hadn't already gotten the Sock Book. And so you like rosemary do you....hummm I might just have to snip some from my garden for you. Glad you liked the tea, the flavor just sounded so interesting.

Working on your Sept. package...and probably reveal just WHO I am.

Hope Max is still getting better and better.