Monday, June 18, 2007

Pea Pod Baby Sweater and a Silent Paint Remover

Well, I have cast on (and already frogged) the Pea Pod Baby Sweater. I am now on the 1st repeat of the Leaf Lace Panel for the sweater, and I'm just not sure how it's going to look. I haven't done any lace except for a sock, and I question how good I am doing. I am using my Knit Picks Options #5 (I knit flat stuff even on circulars.) and Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino.


Right now, I am currently sitting here waiting for a delivery. Our Silent Paint Remover. It requires a signature upon delivery, and well, our doorbell isn't very good. If I go upstairs or to the back bedroom, I won't be able to hear it.

Well, after I got over my sickness, I went on a yarn store spree. I went to all three yarn stores within an hour of my house, and I bought something from each and every one of them. At Magpie Yarns, I bought the newest Interweave Knits magazine. Then, at ReBelle, she was getting in a shipment of Crafty Alien kits, and I just had to buy a kitten and the raccoon. (In fact, I bought them before she could get them on the shelf.) My raccoon is ready to be sewn together soon:


To end up my yarn store spree, I went to the Stitch Niche and got my Debbie Bliss yarn for this baby sweater.

One other very cool thing that happened..... I got an email from Guido of the podcast, It's a Purl, Man telling me I won from a contest he was having! He had a survey about his podcast a while back and by answering the survey, you were entered in the drawing. I won the book Hollywood Knits, and I can't wait to get it. Check out his podcast if you haven't heard about it yet!

Tomorrow, I am going to go with my husband to Louisville. He has a work conference, and I'm tagging along. While he does his conference thing in the day, I am going to shop and find some knitting stores.

1 comment:

Jill said...

ooooo, I love Debbie Bliss, Baby Chasmerino! Great color!
Congrats on your contest win! :)