Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Working on....

I haven't posted because I've been sick. S I C K. Then, I had to work work work.

Today's my first day off that I haven't been sick! So, I thought I'd show you what I am working on for pleasure....

I was knitting Wicked, then switched to those socks for my dad. Yeah, they won't be getting done for his birthday, but he'll get them sometime. Here is sock #1 in progress. I'm using the Garter Rib sock pattern from Sensational Knitted Socks.
I am taking a room of my own to work on in the house.....
Here are before pictures, and soon I will be going in there to strip all that wallpaper to see what those walls look like underneath. Will they be a disaster? After stripping that, I plan on stripping woodwork, scraping off that terrible textured ceiling, and pulling up the carpet. Once I get down to the bare minimum, I'll fix her back up again.
Before pictures:

Ok, I had more pictures but since Blogger never works right, it isn't loading them.....

I'll try again later!

Ok.... saved version.... let's see if I can continue this post.......

Blogger still didn't like my medium sized pictures. Oh well.

While I was waiting for Blogger to not hate me, I went to pull some wallpaper to see what was underneath. And what the heck!? Under the top layer of wallpaper is fabric. This white linen was put on the wall? Whyyyy???? Then, under that tons more old wallpaper, and looks like my plaster *IS* going to be in fact... a DISASTER.

And Molly LOVES Sensational Knitted Socks! Of course, then her owner
can't read it, but she doesn't consider that her problem!!

1 comment:

hoosier nurse said...

Love the room. As a fellow old house dweller, don't you just love all the new treasures under the old treasures. Wait until you get to the floors. That's a really fun job. Our dining room was the only place that couldn't be saved. We painted it with floor paint and stenciled a border to match the rug. Except for the living room, the rest are done. I am still sweeping up dust and we'll probably get lung cancer from all of it we breathed in. You'll be amazed at how far kitty litter will travel, even with the $40.00 litter rug under the boxes.