Sunday, April 22, 2007

I broke a needle!

Last night, I had just picked up my sock... and I broke my needle. I could have cried. So now, my sock is again on hold because I need to go and get myself another #2 Brittany Birch needle and the closest place is about 45 min. away.

So, I started knitting on Wicked again. I had forgotten how much I love her.

Also, I went and bought like $80 worth of flowers and veggies today and planted them. Please god, let them live. I have never had a green thumb, but I'm trying. Really! I planted them, talked to them, watered them with a little extra Miracle Grow added.... and I promised them I'd even sing to them if they'd just grow.

I'll try and take pictures later this week.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I break so many needles! My secret pal sent me some of the Knit Picks dpn's in size 1 and I love them - fabulous!

I hope your plants grow...I love plants - so happy and peaceful. Just playing in the soil is fun.