Thursday, May 13, 2010

Couponing 101

I said I would post a little bit about this - and I've really gotten distracted lately.  My baby got ear tubes!!  I was very resistant to it, but glad we got them.  He had completely failed his hearing test, and at 9 months old - it's important for his development to be able to hear!!    He started really babbling and saying new sounds the day after he got them.  So far, I'm happy.

So, on to coupons.

Someone asked about them not being high value - but I actually have gotten a lot of FREE coupons and high value coupons.  Right now, I have a coupon for free barbecue sauce and a free package of hot dogs that I got in a package from Kraft.  Sign up for samples from the companies, as these often have very high value coupons with the samples!!!  Also, is a very good site for coupons, and they are almost always higher values.  Also, even if they aren't high value, stores often double or have double days.  My Kroger doubles all the time for any coupons under 50 cents.

Drug stores are a completely new skill - using their cash registrar reward systems to roll your money and obtain free items when you add to your coupons.  For example, this week at CVS, I bought Crest mouthwash, Pantene shampoo and conditioner, Kotex, and Carefree liners and ended up walking away with a profit of $2.00.  I will link some sites that are great for couponing 101, and they explain this drugstore strategy.

These are just a few of my favorites.  Often you can find them on Facebook and friend them, and they update with all the new samples out or coupon deals and you can get it instantly to your Facebook feed.

I hope this is enough to help some of you get started.

Here's to saving tons of  money!!  (So you can buy more yarn!)


Krissy said...

Coupon blogs added to the reader. Thanks.

I look forward to some saving.

Mandy said...

Krissy, Hope you are on your way to saving money. I'm going to a fiber festival this weekend, so I'll probably spend way more than I've saved. :)