Friday, December 16, 2011


I have been working hard with my sewing machine.

I am learning a lot from many great online tutorials and helpful blogs, but still have much to learn. Things I have learned that people don't always tell you...

1. Don't watch the needle. Watch your material and where you are guiding it. You'd be surprised how long this took me to learn! My stitches are much much straighter now.
2. Change your sewing machine needle - frequently.
3. Using your iron that same amount of time you use your machine, or even more, makes the project look so much better. Press, press, press. (Well, I think people do say that a lot, but it just gets ignored because you don't really want to use your iron. But you better learn to love it.)

Oddly enough, I am really taken with zippers, and I want to be able to do those well. So, I ordered a bunch of zippers.

Great etsy shop for zippers

I am getting to the point where I feel like I know my machine well enough to venture out and take a class. I really want to get to a place where I can have my Etsy shop full of items. :D

Other things I've done is a few ornaments. I love felt. Here's my sweet little owl.


In the midst of learning to sew well, I was thinking about how helpful tutorials are. I am feeling inspired to do a few tutorials on here with knitting...... maybe soon!