Monday, August 25, 2008

Conversations in the Locker Room

This took place in the locker room at work as I was getting ready to leave:
Me:  Hi Liz, and yes, I have on two bras.  Don't ask.

Liz:  We have the weirdest conversations.

I will have photos of spinning stuff later this week!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The World Is Out of Balance

.. and hell has frozen over...

I joined a gym.  And I went.  And I hurt.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My First Handspun

I present to you - my first handspun yarn. I dunked it into a waterbath after this photo was taken. I am going to knit *something* with it. I'm not sure what, but I just have to knit it!

My First Handspun

Also, my porch steps were very rotted, and here is a before:

Front porch before

Here is after:

Porch after

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Funny for You

I love Natalie Dee. Here's today's:

natalie dee

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly to MY Home

I said I wanted a ladybug, and my husband ordered it and surprised me with it. I didn't know he ordered it until it showed up!

I have never did any spinning, and I used to think I never wanted to learn to spin. I don't know what happened... like I need another hobby!

Here it is being unpacked.

the wheel

This is where my ladybug sits (sorry about the blurred picture)

My ladybug

I needed help with the tension string, and some really wonderful girl named Abbyknitz on Ravelry helped me out.

First little bit on the bobbin - uhm, I guess it's good I can even get it on the bobbin considering I've never touched a wheel in my life. My first goal was to figure out how to treadle and just use the wheel in general.

First stuff on the bobbin